The following is from notes compiled by Margaret E. Pflieger from an unknown source, pg510: "To Henry Pflieger in the yr. 1817 for $751 - (gunsmith) half lot on Northern Morty of the Lot marked and known on the general plan of the Town of York by the no.216 containing in front on Geo. St. 28 ft. and 8 in. and in length 250 ft. to a twenty ft. alley bounded on the N by lot 215, S by the other half morty of the lot, E. by Geo. St, and W by the aforesaid 20 ft. alley." This information was probably taken from County tax or land sales records. Other information from Historical Society of York County source 430 2609 researched by David R. Stephenson III and Michael C. Gulden. |