Transcription of a letter included in Historical Sketch of the Goodykoontz Families of Virginia
and U.S., by Wells Goodykoontz (unpublished): CLERK'S OFFICE OF BOTETOURT COUNTY Fincastle, Virginia. January 28, 1938. Michael and Jacob Fleager were early settlers in this County (Botetourt), they both having bought real estate in the year of 1793 (information from Clerk's Office records). Just where they came from to this County I don't know. They were German descent. I have in my possession Michael Fleager's large family Bible in which, unfortunately, there is no family record. Jacob Fleager never married. Michael Fleager must have married before coming to this County, as no marriage record appears in Botetourt Clerk's Office. In his will he gives his wife's name as "Barbary". There were born to Michael and Barbary Fleager the following children: Elizabeth, who married Joseph Keys in 1814 Sarah Rainer, who married Morris Hickok in 1822 Harriet, who married Charles Aunspaugh in 1823 Nancy, who married Mathias Stover in 1823 Lucy, who married Samuel Nofsinger in 1827 Caroline, who married Jacob Snider in 1827 Mariah, who married Simon Stair in 1833 John, who married Frances Cox in 1839 Morris Hickok, named above, was the father of Samuel and James Hickok, of Christiansburg. No mention in deeds of Michael Fleager's wife's name other than Barbary and sometimes Barbara. My understanding these people came from Pennsylvania, but in this I may be mistaken. If you don't mind, let Bessie and Lula Hickok see the above, as there my be some information they may not have. Your letter being directed to Mr. McDowell, but he having been confined to his room for about two weeks, and being somewhat acquainted in the above, I have taken upon myself to answer same. With kind regards to yourself and the Hickok girls, Yours respectfully, etc., R. L. Housman Transcribed from a handwritten note at bottom of sheet labelled MEMORANDUM RE: MICHAEL PFLIEGER from Historical Sketch of Goodykoontz Families of Virginia and U.S., by Wells Goodykoontz (unpublished): The Michael Fleager and his brother Jacob, who settled in Botetourt County in 1793, were sons of John Jacob Pflueger, aforementioned and, were therefore, nephews of the men who went to Montgomery County. All of them are descended from George Frederick Pflueger, soldier in the Revolution. His son John George, above named, who married Mary Magdalene Gutekunst, was also a soldier in that war. Above information researched by David R. Stephenson III |