Inquiries made by David R. Stephenson III in May 1992 to trace this person or descendants found
no Phlegar names in the Anderson, IN, area listed in the phone directory. Got information
regarding his ancestors from Jean Willis Mosley, Nov 13, 1992 and Robert G. Phlegar Nov 14,
1992. Later (Jan 7, `1995) found Carl's granddaughter, Melanie Dalton Crain. The following is transcribed from a letter written by Mrs. Carl Phlegar, Sr., 2619 Jackson St, Anderson, IN, to the judge of Probate Court, York, PA, dated Oct 2, 1957 (original in files of Historical Society of York County): "I am trying to trace the birth records of a Michael Phlegar, a George Frederick Phlegar and Abram Phlegar. These dates would be in the 1700's or very early 1800's if they were born there. I thought there might be a chance that records of any persons were kept, no matter how old. From a bit of historic news these three brothers were supposed to have left York, PA in the early 1800's, going to Floyd, Virginia, where they settled. The Phlegar homestead in the town of Floyd was built by Abram Phlegar in 1822. I would appreciate information concerning the name of any Phlegar record that you have, past or present. I am especially interested in the lineage of Michael Phlegar. We haven't found a descendant of his, [although] there must be some. Let me know if there is a fee for this information and I will send it to you. Carl Sr. was born near Floyd, VA and was reared in Salem, VA." |