The following information was transcribed from Dorothy Hall Givens' book: There were at least two early Phlugers, Hans Jacob and Hans Jerg (George), who were probably related to George Frederick Phluger, progenitor of the Phlegars of Giles Co., VA. Hans Jerg (died (1701) had a son, Hans Jerg (1676-1743) and he had a son, Hans Jerg (1703-1759) who is believed to have been the father of George Frederick whose descendants are herein traced. It is also believed that Hans Jacob,the contemporary of Hans Jerg (1703-1759) was also a son of Hans Jerg (1676-1743) but we have no proof. We do know that there was intermarriage among their children and grandchildren. Hans Jacob's daughter, Christina (1695-1745), married Kasper Buhrer (1686-1742) and their son, Johannes Buhrer (Bierer, later Berry) married Ursula Catherine (1728-1772), daughter of Hans Jerg (1703-1759). |